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4 Attic Maintenance Tips

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4 Attic Maintenance Tips

Attic Maintenance Tips | Attic Cleaning Hayward, CA

Your attic is so much more than a large storage space - it serves an important function as it keeps the entire house comfortable and safe. By frequently looking after your attic you will ensure that the indoor air quality of your home is at an adequate level and so is the energy efficiency of your household. Read on for top 4 tips for attic maintenance.

  1. Look Out For Pests

    In time, small animals such as rats, mice, squirrels, raccoons, and bats can enter your attic and nest there. Making sure you don’t store any easily accessible food and patching up any entry points goes a long way towards preventing a rodent infestation from occurring. If it’s too late, spring traps will usually eliminate any mice and rats, but for larger animals, you may need to call a professional. Also, insects such as termites and carpenter ants present a structural damage as they consume wood and must be dealt with by technicians as they are particularly difficult to exterminate.
  2. Prevent Mold

    Making sure moisture can’t enter your attic is a great way of stopping mold from ever growing on your surfaces. Check for any roof leaks and trapped moisture caused by faulty ventilation.
  3. Keep Your Attic Well-Insulated

    A decent insulation means more comfort and energy efficiency for the household. The long-term money-saving factor a good insulation brings about doesn’t stop there; well-insulated attics also prolongs the lifespan of your roofing and keeps it at an even temperature. If your insulation is damaged, outdated, or hosts rodent life, a repair or a new installation may be due. This is a tricky job that requires attention from a professional who knows what they’re doing.
  4. Check for Any Leaks and Cracks

    As a homeowner, it is your duty to patch-up any leaks and cracks in your attic. This way you will prevent major issues from happening down the road. The best time to check for cracks is during daylight as you can notice any streams of light coming through the cracks and crevices.

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Look to us for guaranteed satisfaction and the most helpful decorators in town. You can always count on us when it comes to your attic!

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Mar 10, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
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