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Let Us Take Care of Your Attic For You!

From cleaning to rodent proofing, we've got you covered!


For any question about the best way to have your attic or crawl space cleaned, we're the team to call. Our guarantee of low prices and complete customer satisfaction make us the first choice of local customers all over town. Scroll down below to see a few of our latest projects!

Attic Cleaning in Hayward | Attic Cleaning Hayward

Attic Cleaning

Customer Issue: The customer’s attic hadn’t been cleaned in a long time, and she wanted that changed before her parents moved in with her.
Our Solution: Step one, clear everything out of the attic while trusting in our breathing masks and gloves. Step two, dust, sweep and scrub. Step three, spray for bugs and mold. Finally, reorganize all the cleared objects after dusting them and refilling the attic. All in a day’s work.

Manana Soludez - Hayward
Rodent Proofing Project | Attic Cleaning Hayward, CA

Rodent Proofing

Customer Issue: Wanted to prevent an infestation.
Our Solution: Our team followed the 3-step process of inspecting, sealing, and trapping. We identified openings and tears that a rodent can sneak through and then used safe material to block these gaps. Finally, we placed humane traps around the house to catch any rodents that might have slipped in.

Frank Barnes - San Lorenzo
Attic Insulation Removal Project | Attic Cleaning Hayward, CA

Attic Insulation Removal

Customer Issue: Wanted to get rid of fiberglass insulation.
Our Solution: Being aware of the health risks associated with disturbing fiberglass material, such as respiratory and skin problems, we took the necessary precautions including wearing goggles, masks, and protective clothing. The insulation was removed using truck-mounted vacuum and moved into special storage bags.

Lawrence Acosta - Sorenson
Commercial Attic Insulation Project | Attic Cleaning Hayward, CA

Commercial Attic Insulation

Customer Issue: Wanted to reduce the risk of icy roof eaves.
Our Solution: We applied loose-fill, blown-in cellulose insulation that penetrated all available crevices. This procedure ensured a proper R-value, which will prevent the accumulation of heat in the attic and the formation of overhanging icicles.

Nicholas Shepard - Hayward
Rodent Proofing | Attic Cleaning Hayward, CA

Rodent Proofing

Customer Issue: This customer's home is near a vacant field where there were many rodents. They had infested his attic and he wanted to be rid of them permanently.
Our solution: Our team set out traps, sealed all of the air openings, and then disposed of the remains. We then installed heavy-duty rodent-proof screens.

Lydia Rayden - Hayward
Professional Attic Cleaning  | Attic Cleaning Hayward, CA

Attic Cleaning

Customer Issue: This customer's insulation dated back to the early 1970s and was not up to the latest specifications. He wanted our advice on cleaning it out so fresh new insulation could be installed.
Our solution: Our team removed the old insulation and some debris. We then installed fresh new insulation per the customer's request.

Marc Jaden - Union City
Attic Insulation Installation and Removal | Attic Cleaning Hayward, CA

Attic Insulation Installation and Removal

Customer Issue: Mr. Rohan had recently eliminated a rodent problem in his attic but had unintentionally damaged some insulation.
Our solution: Our team removed the damaged insulation, sealed the attic, and applied new insulation. He was grateful for the professional way we handled the entire operation and has recommended us to his business partners.

Eddie Rohan - Hayward


A job you can understand is a job you can trust – and we will explain everything right from the get go.

Outstanding Service

Professional service with a personal touch – that's what we call outstanding service.

Affordable Prices

Our customers always express their satisfaction regarding our prices and we promise that won't change.

Professional Team

We're proud to provide our customers with services at the highest level of professionalism.

Our competitive pricing guarantees you the best value possible when hiring our expert cleaners and installers! Leave your contact information below and we'll get back to you shortly!


Look to us for guaranteed satisfaction and the most helpful decorators in town. You can always count on us when it comes to your attic!

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Mar 10, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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